Interview with restaurant manager Janin Krienke

The restaurant ALvis shows its face!

Who makes the restaurant special? Who provides the feel-good atmosphere? Who cooks so well?

Interview today:
Janin Krienke

  • Since 2006 restaurant manager

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The unpredictable, the variety and that you immediately feel the great results of his work. Among other things, this is demonstrated by satisfied guests, who are happy to share this with you, a successful event and a good atmosphere in the team.


What was the best decision in your career?

My best decision so far was quite clear that I had the courage to apply internally for the position of department manager as a service employee at Albrechtshof and as a freshman in Führungsdingen. I wanted it and knew that I could do it ;)

Which three things in your life are you most thankful for?

Especially for my own health and that of my friends and family. I am also especially thankful for the professional freedom I have and the less conventional possibilities (for example to have a sabbatical). I also like my positive disposition - every day starts well for me ;)

What was the nicest compliment anyone ever gave you?

There are many guests who offer heartfelt compliments. It's just hard to name a specific one. And privately I don't reveal it ;)

What would you get up for in the middle of the night?

I'd stand up for a furry dog's snout poking me right now or for a flight I need to get.

If you could choose a country: Which one would you like to live in?

The country less, but I wouldn't mind a time in Hawaii. I was already there and it impressed me a lot.


If you were allowed to change one thing in the world: What would that be?

Injustice in many things!

What could you not do without in your life?

I could not do without self-determination and extraordinary experiences with loved ones around me.


If you were allowed to meet a famous personality - whether alive or dead: Who would it be and why?

There are many of them, but I would really like to have a chat with the dog trainer Cesar Millan about "the thinking" of dogs at a gas round ;)

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